Friday, December 12, 2008

Ready, set, go, go, go......

I have the day off today! So, here I am - up before my alarm NORMALLY goes off at 6am.

My boys are here this week, so I got up with them to see them off to school. Now I'm blogging and guess what..getting ready to go to work! Yes, there is something definitely wrong with me.

I am going to work on my day off. Actually, I'm going because the team I work with does this wonderful thing each year: we adopt a needy family and buy Christmas gifts for them. Today is the day we deliver the gifts to the organization who delivers them to the family. Also, I forgot to set my "out of office" setting on my email and some of my regulars will think I'm ignoring them if I don't answer promptly (I'm off Monday too). Year end is fast approaching and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Year end is a big deal in our business, so everything HAS to be wrapped up on or before Dec 31. There are Tax ramifications if this does not happen, money ramifications, my LIFE ramifications!! So since I'm also off from 12/24 through 1/5/2008 I'm a little stressed out about it.

OK, here I go. My list of to do's:

1. Get up and hit the shower.

2. Go to work, do email/supernova/deliver gifts.

3. Stop by Oh-Po's house and get library book Amazon Thinker borrowed.

4. Go to library to return 2 books and 4 videos.

5. Possibly check out more videos.

6. Get back home before 3pm to greet the boys when they get off the bus.

7. Oops, in the meantime stop and get dishwasher soap and we also need a pencil sharpener.

8. Hopefully speak with Ashton Kucher on the phone as I did not get to speak with him last night - insert *sad face*.

I also promised to help my youngest get set up as a blogger - he is 10. This should be interesting!


Henry Chourou said...
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Henry Chourou said...

Your team is great! What wonderful Santa Clauses!
Year end is fast approaching and being overwhelmed. Yep, my situation is the same as you. I feel rather overworked and slightly exhausted now, but in this season, it cannot be avoided.
In Japan, they call December “師走” or shi-wa-su. That means “ even great masters gets in a hurry and upset”. A lot of works will come to attack us.

Your own Ashton Kucher----cooool!
Should be Demi Moore?

I do hope your happiness and brightness as a reader!