Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, Sunday..

It's Sunday again, way too early! I haven't been sleeping too well the past couple of days. This is what happens to me when I am thinking about someone new.

I've returned to the cyber dating world, but there is one in particular that I'm really interested in. I went out with one, and that was nice, but he hasn't even called me back from the last time I called him...hmm, that's not very nice! I "chatted" with another last week and by that I mean IM - instant messaging. He seems pretty interesting and I'm sure we'll have additional chats. But the third, my Ashton Kucher, is the one I'm talking about.

There is a definite spark of electricity there. It started with him pursuing me..ALWAYS a plus in my opinion. Every girl/woman enjoys being pursued..NOT stalked, but pursued, there is a difference! Being pursued means someone likes you, is interested in you, really wants to get to know you - yeah. Who doesn't like that?

Ashton pursued me, and he's younger (this is why I call him Ashton - but he doesn't know that, so no telling if anyone ever meets him). Hey, I'm 42 and being pursued, I am digging that! We have emailed, IM'd, text'd and talked on the phone. I told my boys yesterday that after I made a quick call we could watch a movie. After I hung up they informed me that my quick call lasted 2 hours!! What the heck? Two hours and it felt like 30 minutes. Uh oh, when was the last time that happened?

I've seen his pictures; two of them, and sadly he looks a little like a convict in one of them (heaven forbid he actually smile!). He sent me a picture from his phone - he has grown a beard (kinda scraggly in my opinion) since his online pics. I commented on that and he said he would shave it off - I suggested maybe a goatee.

We are planning on meeting next Saturday. 6 whole long, long, long days before we meet! We can and will talk on the phone and that is nice. I'm getting to know him. He's actually interested in getting to know me. He and I both seem to be on the same page in our lives at the moment. He has two kids, but he doesn't see his as often as I see mine, I'm sorry for him for that. He has been married twice, but remains optimistic and open minded about relationships (that I can see so far). One big plus, he really enjoys talking. In fact he said he wanted to meet someone who would enjoy this scenario: Making coffee, getting the paper and discussing the topics in the paper or watching a movie and having a discussion about it afterwards. Are you kidding me? That is like music to my ears! This one actually sounds like a grown-up, hmm, who would have thunk it?

OK, enough of my lame rambling. Obviously if you are still reading this girly-girl ranting blog you can tell I'm crushing on this guy big time. I'll try and keep further blogs to a minimum on the mush side.

I have tomorrow off of work and I get to go shopping with my Bro for the last of my Christmas stuff. We're going to a movie today; me and the boys with Uncle Oh-Po and Aunt C before they take off to LA for Christmas. Tomorrow I get to give the 3rd degree to my niece's poor unsuspecting friend who is coming into town later today and will be here a couple of days - poor, poor, misguided, naive, innocent, lad. Hee, hee, hee.

I sure hope this week goes by fast and we get to Saturday quickly. I'm meeting Ashton at The Flint Institute of Arts; it's actually quiet, private and conducive to good conversation but still very public and safe. Plus, it's free on Saturday - woo hoo!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ready, set, go, go, go......

I have the day off today! So, here I am - up before my alarm NORMALLY goes off at 6am.

My boys are here this week, so I got up with them to see them off to school. Now I'm blogging and guess what..getting ready to go to work! Yes, there is something definitely wrong with me.

I am going to work on my day off. Actually, I'm going because the team I work with does this wonderful thing each year: we adopt a needy family and buy Christmas gifts for them. Today is the day we deliver the gifts to the organization who delivers them to the family. Also, I forgot to set my "out of office" setting on my email and some of my regulars will think I'm ignoring them if I don't answer promptly (I'm off Monday too). Year end is fast approaching and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Year end is a big deal in our business, so everything HAS to be wrapped up on or before Dec 31. There are Tax ramifications if this does not happen, money ramifications, my LIFE ramifications!! So since I'm also off from 12/24 through 1/5/2008 I'm a little stressed out about it.

OK, here I go. My list of to do's:

1. Get up and hit the shower.

2. Go to work, do email/supernova/deliver gifts.

3. Stop by Oh-Po's house and get library book Amazon Thinker borrowed.

4. Go to library to return 2 books and 4 videos.

5. Possibly check out more videos.

6. Get back home before 3pm to greet the boys when they get off the bus.

7. Oops, in the meantime stop and get dishwasher soap and we also need a pencil sharpener.

8. Hopefully speak with Ashton Kucher on the phone as I did not get to speak with him last night - insert *sad face*.

I also promised to help my youngest get set up as a blogger - he is 10. This should be interesting!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

**Giggle Giggle**

Well I heard the call of the wild and I answered. I'm back on line with the cyber dating world. So far so good. I signed up last Friday and had a lunch date Sunday - not bad, eh!

I spoke on the phone with someone new today, and he seems really nice. We have emailed back and forth and now have talked on the phone. I don't want to get too excited, but he sounds nice as well.

OK, I've been down that path in the past. I saw someone online and his profile was good, the pictures were OK, the emails were really good, the phone conversations were great...then the final step, the meeting. Once I was with him in the same room, face to face so to speak, things took a bad turn. He wanted to sit too close to me. He got a call from his son and started ragging on his ex (his son's MOM) to his son - right in front of me! He also gave off a creepy vibe. The kind of vibe that says "I'm building a woman suit in my basement and you look like you could provide the final piece"!! Needless to say I could not get out of there fast enough. Whoa, dodged a bullet!

I had another date not too long ago and that guy was weirder than...well, the weirdest thing you could possibly ever think of. I can appreciate unique, special, different, quirky, one-of-a-kind - but this guy was a wacko! Some of my close friends and family know the story, so I will spare you dear readers the gruesome details!

Whatever, that was in the past. I'm an optimist. Besides, you have to keep trying because your Mr. or Ms. Right is not going to come knocking on your door; unless you want to date the pizza delivery person or the FED EX guy.

Did I mention the guy I talked to today is younger than me? I have to tell you, I think this is very exciting. I have always dated older guys/men. Usually 5-10-15 years older. Now I have my own Ashton Kucher - ooh la la. OK, it's only been one phone call..except, I'm going to call him later too *girly giggle inserted here*. I'm kinda starting to get perma grin *giggle* *giggle*.

I will keep you posted as to how things are going. The lunch date guy; well, I might see him again. He was nice, but he is a super-hyper-worker guy (and 8 years older). Those of you who know me understand I am kind of the opposite of super-hyper-worker. I'm more like mega-lazy-movie/TV-watcher.

There is a third guy who I'm supposed to IM with later AND he's younger too.....*giggle, giggle*....I'm having fun this time around!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What's that I hear?

It’s like the call of the wild; or maybe the siren song of the sea. I’m getting that urge again; like a ex-smoker getting a whiff of someone lighting up. It’s the inexplicable pull of the cyber dating world wondering where I’ve been. I know they miss me! I know they care and have been waiting patiently for my return.

I’m positive Mr. Cyber Right has just posted his profile and is waiting for me to come and find him – after all we have so much in common! He is tall like me, down to earth and shares my love of all things animated. He appreciates my quirky sense of humor, he thinks my lack of social skills is just adorable and like me he would rather lay around all weekend watching movies than cleaning house or ugg – paying bills! He is clever and has a quick wit, I can’t help but crack up when he tells me a joke or silly story.

Unlike me he is a recent lottery mega ball winner and now lives a down-to-earth-but-willing-to-splurge-on-important-things-like-the-woman-he-knows-is-out-there-waiting-to-be-found-or-book-but-not-necessarily-in-that-order-yet-maintaining-a-responsible-everything-paid-on-time-and-putting-some-away-for-the-future lifestyle. Phew, that was a mouthful!

Other things we have in common; an inordinate amount of useless trivia stuffed in our noggins, comfortable clothing older than our children, an affinity for museums and book stores, and the irrepressible urge to find that person who could claim the role of “better half”. We roll our eyes at the term “soul mate”, we understand that we can be alone, we even enjoy our personal space and me time, we don’t need someone to make us complete. However, we long to be able to look at the other end of the couch during the really funny/scary/sad part of the movie and see the look on someone’s face that mirrors our own!

It’s more fun to visit a museum or book store and be able to have someone’s hand to hold, someone to discuss the work of art or magazine article or even share whispered assessments on the weird looking lady in the funky hat.

Most importantly, we’ll have that spark; that chemistry connection that tells us HEY, This is someone special! That feeling like butterflies in the stomach, the stupid perma-grin plastered on your face all day because you are thinking of them, that feeling that you though you were never going to feel again.

Alright, I’ve convinced myself! Back to the cyber drawing board. Just wait for me sweetie and quit looking at that blonde girls profile – she is NOT the one for you! You’ll know Ms. Cyber-Right when you see her; she’s the tall one with the short red hair and dorky grin on her face!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Surprise, I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth; it just seems that way!

The holidays are upon us. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner - 12 people, all family. I really enjoyed having everyone over. My youngest helped me get things ready. I was up at 6 and got the bird, nicknamed Big Delicious, prepped, stuffed and put in the oven. After that my blurry eyed youngest son came into the kitchen proclaiming "something smells great"! Awww, he is such a sweetie (his brother helped by sleeping in and giving us bonding time - LOL). He helped me peel potatoes and make the deviled eggs. He LOVES deviled eggs. While I mixed the filling he arranged the whites on a plate. After filling all the whites we had leftover filling, he tipped his head back, opened his mouth like a baby bird and I squeezed the remainder of the filling right into his open maw - he loved it!

Big Delicious came out brown and lovely! He really lived up to his name. YUMMY. We had all the traditional fare supplied by all of us, thank goodness I didn't have to make all this stuff (I just got to eat all of it)! Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters with gravy, corn, squash, coleslaw, rosa maria salad (fruit salad), dinner rolls, plus all the pre-dinner snacks! Cheese ball with pretzel crackers, crab dip, deviled eggs, and relish tray. Then the wonderfully sweet endings - pumpkin torte, cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, cheesecake, haystacks (my all time favorite) and a chocolate/caramel pie. I ate till I was as stuffed as the turkey!

We ate, played games, drew our Secret Santa names and watched football. The Detroit Lions have been dubbed "Un-motivatable" by our family. They are truly sad!!
My sister and I went shopping on Friday; but not with the real crazies who were out there at 5 am or earlier. We headed out around 9am, but got a few items purchased and a couple of deals. I also got all my Christmas decorations put up Saturday. The tree is decorated, the mantel is all decked out and my Christmas Village is beautifully displayed! I will have to get the pictures posted on here; that is my favorite thing I put out each year! I even have presents wrapped and under the tree - I am truly deranged - hahahahahahah! Not bad for a four day weekend!

Needless to say I am really tired tonight after going back to work today and driving on the super slippery roads back home this evening - we got about 4 inches of snow last night. I am getting ready for bed and am ready to snuggle under my wonderful 300 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets (I love these sheets) and go to sleep.
On an unrelated note: One of my cats Shere Khan had a badly swollen nose and it got me so worried I spent $100 hard earned Christmas dollars at the vet to get steroids and antibiotics plus a heart stopping warning from the vet tech hoping this wasn't "one of those weird cancer tumors" - sheesh, thanks a lot lady, way to keep the owner calm. My boys thought it was very funny that the cat was on steroids. "He'll really be able to claw things up now" they giggled. I'm glad to report his nose is back to normal and he isn't sneezing half as much.

Oh yeah - I also fixed my garbage disposal on Thanksgiving day!! Thanks to my sister for the wonderful book "You Can Do It" a woman's guide to home repair. You should have seen us high fiving each other in the kitchen - it was AWESOME!