Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm feeling a little under the weather tonight. I wore brand new eye shadow today - just opened the case, but it is a brand I've used before. On my way home my eye lids were feeling a little itchy. Oh yeah, buy the time I was able to get all the way home and wash my face it looked like I had gone too many rounds in the boxing ring and my trainer forgot to throw in the towel! I have fat, swolen, red, itchy eyelids. I'M SOOO PRETTY!

I also got an email tonight from the guy I met for dinner for the first time Friday saying he didn't think I was the right fit for him, but we could still talk and be friends. This guy has been married and divorced THREE TIMES and I'm not right for him - holy crap, just how wrong am I??

The Friday date was after the Thursday date that ended soooo badly I was afraid I wouldn't make it out with my skin attached to my skelleton! That guy was so creepy and said the utmost inappropriate things I though my jaw would drop through the floor and I would turn to stone just from hearing the words he uttered! Eeeewwwwwwww!

The eye thing is kinda like the icing on the cake - a really nasty, unpalatable, unbelieveably bad, bad, cake. That's been my week...ok, the end of last week and begining of this week - my extendo-week, so far. I am so glad I have Friday off.

On the upside - the market closed up over +900, I have the best boys this side of anywhere, I'm healthy and because neither of those dates turned out well I gues that means my Mr. Right is still waiting for me to catch..oops, I mean MEET him!

Tomorrow, tomorrow..I'll see ya, tomorrow...it's only a day awwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!

1 comment:

Princess Lynn said...

so you've decided to get into blogging, eh? Good for you!

TACO BELL = WIN!!! They DID have free tacos today!

Well, I know that life is going to be looking up for you, because I heard that ROYALTY will soon be visiting near your home! Yes, indeed, there is a scheduled visit from the CAPRINE PRINCESS HERSELF! Perhaps you will get to see her or even get her autograph! You lucky lady! lol

love ya!
