Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, Sunday..

It's Sunday again, way too early! I haven't been sleeping too well the past couple of days. This is what happens to me when I am thinking about someone new.

I've returned to the cyber dating world, but there is one in particular that I'm really interested in. I went out with one, and that was nice, but he hasn't even called me back from the last time I called him...hmm, that's not very nice! I "chatted" with another last week and by that I mean IM - instant messaging. He seems pretty interesting and I'm sure we'll have additional chats. But the third, my Ashton Kucher, is the one I'm talking about.

There is a definite spark of electricity there. It started with him pursuing me..ALWAYS a plus in my opinion. Every girl/woman enjoys being pursued..NOT stalked, but pursued, there is a difference! Being pursued means someone likes you, is interested in you, really wants to get to know you - yeah. Who doesn't like that?

Ashton pursued me, and he's younger (this is why I call him Ashton - but he doesn't know that, so no telling if anyone ever meets him). Hey, I'm 42 and being pursued, I am digging that! We have emailed, IM'd, text'd and talked on the phone. I told my boys yesterday that after I made a quick call we could watch a movie. After I hung up they informed me that my quick call lasted 2 hours!! What the heck? Two hours and it felt like 30 minutes. Uh oh, when was the last time that happened?

I've seen his pictures; two of them, and sadly he looks a little like a convict in one of them (heaven forbid he actually smile!). He sent me a picture from his phone - he has grown a beard (kinda scraggly in my opinion) since his online pics. I commented on that and he said he would shave it off - I suggested maybe a goatee.

We are planning on meeting next Saturday. 6 whole long, long, long days before we meet! We can and will talk on the phone and that is nice. I'm getting to know him. He's actually interested in getting to know me. He and I both seem to be on the same page in our lives at the moment. He has two kids, but he doesn't see his as often as I see mine, I'm sorry for him for that. He has been married twice, but remains optimistic and open minded about relationships (that I can see so far). One big plus, he really enjoys talking. In fact he said he wanted to meet someone who would enjoy this scenario: Making coffee, getting the paper and discussing the topics in the paper or watching a movie and having a discussion about it afterwards. Are you kidding me? That is like music to my ears! This one actually sounds like a grown-up, hmm, who would have thunk it?

OK, enough of my lame rambling. Obviously if you are still reading this girly-girl ranting blog you can tell I'm crushing on this guy big time. I'll try and keep further blogs to a minimum on the mush side.

I have tomorrow off of work and I get to go shopping with my Bro for the last of my Christmas stuff. We're going to a movie today; me and the boys with Uncle Oh-Po and Aunt C before they take off to LA for Christmas. Tomorrow I get to give the 3rd degree to my niece's poor unsuspecting friend who is coming into town later today and will be here a couple of days - poor, poor, misguided, naive, innocent, lad. Hee, hee, hee.

I sure hope this week goes by fast and we get to Saturday quickly. I'm meeting Ashton at The Flint Institute of Arts; it's actually quiet, private and conducive to good conversation but still very public and safe. Plus, it's free on Saturday - woo hoo!


Neo said...

I'm happy for you, you seem so exited and who can blame ya. Tell ya as a guy, it is a special feeling when a pretty girl is crushing you, :)

John Pavlick said...

*hands on hips* I'm not 'fraid of you! Nyahh! *sticks out tongue*


Princess Lynn said...

the flint institute of arts is free on Saturdays??? hmm...I shall keep this in mind...

you ppl leave my John alone!!!