Sunday, November 2, 2008


Sundays must be for reflection..

It's Sunday and the boys and I are lounging around on my bed. I'm surfing the net, checking my email, basically being lazy. They are playing Pictochat, a new DS game they bought yesterday - this is a game I could really learn to like. It's my artistic side begging to come out and play!

As I was going through my emails, I had one from someone I was dating earlier in the year. I have been divorced almost 6 years and have dated a bit. In the past year or so, I've been a little more active with the on-line dating services. On-line dating makes sense to me as someone who works full time, has kids, and doesn't go "out on the town" a whole lot.

I think my friends/family setting me up would probably work out best, but I either have a shortage of friends or they have a shortage of available men in my age/interest group! Internet dating is not for sissies. I've heard all the "Oh, my friends-sisters-cousin met her husband that way" - I'm beginning to think this is urban legend! When I turn on the TV I'm bombarded with eHarmony, Match, Chemistry all touting their perfect-match-made-in-heaven hookups. I'm very doubtful! I personally have been on: Yahoo personals, Match, eHarmony and Chemistry - I've looked at Plenty-of-Fish and have also met people from and! I have met a lot on nice people, and a couple of really odd people, but have yet to find "the one".

Going back to that email I mentioned earlier. This was someone I met through We "sparked" right away and jumped into a relationship way too soon. I'm notorious for moving too fast, in and out of interests/relationships. I'm sure I've left more than one person scratching their head thinking, "Hmm, I thought we were really going somewhere". I'm also notorious for over thinking just about everything!

I dated this person for about 3 months, but in the end we just were not compatible...although I don't think he feels this way. I have never had a guy be so persistent. He will send the occasional email and even called me at work the other day. Each time I start thinking, reflecting on why this one didn't work out. I'll remember all the good times (we had several) and then remind myself of the bad times (we had more of those) and the reflection process goes on and on.

I know I made the right decision. I will continue to look for someone who I feel compatible with, I think that is human nature. I do want someone I can spend time with, someone special; more than just a friend. On-line seems to be the way to go, but I'll keep my eyes open at the grocery store, library, museum..all my typical or favorite hang-outs! I'll also keep reminding my friends that I am single and if they think of someone they know I would click with, feel free to introduce us. It never hurts to meet someone new, make a new friend.

After all, a couple of my best friends are guys I use to date!


Neo said...

andI tried the on-line dating too. Never really got me anywhere. Was on Match, and Yahoo, this was back about 03 when I first got my computer. Met one on match who in the end said "I don't think I am really ready for a relationship" left me wondering why are you on I am in a relationship now with a girl introduced by a mutual friend, so all is good here. good luck in your ventures though

Henry Chourou said...

Hello again, Scarlet(if I could call you like that). I see you like writing something very much, and I guess that always makes you refreshed and reorganaized so well. I think it might be pretty good for you, and I find myself enjoying reading what you posted here as you inspired something that can be inside or outside yourself. Attractive.Anyway, if I can cheer you up and send a inspiration or whatever,by following your blog as a reader,I'll be very happy.