Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, Sunday..

It's Sunday again, way too early! I haven't been sleeping too well the past couple of days. This is what happens to me when I am thinking about someone new.

I've returned to the cyber dating world, but there is one in particular that I'm really interested in. I went out with one, and that was nice, but he hasn't even called me back from the last time I called him...hmm, that's not very nice! I "chatted" with another last week and by that I mean IM - instant messaging. He seems pretty interesting and I'm sure we'll have additional chats. But the third, my Ashton Kucher, is the one I'm talking about.

There is a definite spark of electricity there. It started with him pursuing me..ALWAYS a plus in my opinion. Every girl/woman enjoys being pursued..NOT stalked, but pursued, there is a difference! Being pursued means someone likes you, is interested in you, really wants to get to know you - yeah. Who doesn't like that?

Ashton pursued me, and he's younger (this is why I call him Ashton - but he doesn't know that, so no telling if anyone ever meets him). Hey, I'm 42 and being pursued, I am digging that! We have emailed, IM'd, text'd and talked on the phone. I told my boys yesterday that after I made a quick call we could watch a movie. After I hung up they informed me that my quick call lasted 2 hours!! What the heck? Two hours and it felt like 30 minutes. Uh oh, when was the last time that happened?

I've seen his pictures; two of them, and sadly he looks a little like a convict in one of them (heaven forbid he actually smile!). He sent me a picture from his phone - he has grown a beard (kinda scraggly in my opinion) since his online pics. I commented on that and he said he would shave it off - I suggested maybe a goatee.

We are planning on meeting next Saturday. 6 whole long, long, long days before we meet! We can and will talk on the phone and that is nice. I'm getting to know him. He's actually interested in getting to know me. He and I both seem to be on the same page in our lives at the moment. He has two kids, but he doesn't see his as often as I see mine, I'm sorry for him for that. He has been married twice, but remains optimistic and open minded about relationships (that I can see so far). One big plus, he really enjoys talking. In fact he said he wanted to meet someone who would enjoy this scenario: Making coffee, getting the paper and discussing the topics in the paper or watching a movie and having a discussion about it afterwards. Are you kidding me? That is like music to my ears! This one actually sounds like a grown-up, hmm, who would have thunk it?

OK, enough of my lame rambling. Obviously if you are still reading this girly-girl ranting blog you can tell I'm crushing on this guy big time. I'll try and keep further blogs to a minimum on the mush side.

I have tomorrow off of work and I get to go shopping with my Bro for the last of my Christmas stuff. We're going to a movie today; me and the boys with Uncle Oh-Po and Aunt C before they take off to LA for Christmas. Tomorrow I get to give the 3rd degree to my niece's poor unsuspecting friend who is coming into town later today and will be here a couple of days - poor, poor, misguided, naive, innocent, lad. Hee, hee, hee.

I sure hope this week goes by fast and we get to Saturday quickly. I'm meeting Ashton at The Flint Institute of Arts; it's actually quiet, private and conducive to good conversation but still very public and safe. Plus, it's free on Saturday - woo hoo!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ready, set, go, go, go......

I have the day off today! So, here I am - up before my alarm NORMALLY goes off at 6am.

My boys are here this week, so I got up with them to see them off to school. Now I'm blogging and guess what..getting ready to go to work! Yes, there is something definitely wrong with me.

I am going to work on my day off. Actually, I'm going because the team I work with does this wonderful thing each year: we adopt a needy family and buy Christmas gifts for them. Today is the day we deliver the gifts to the organization who delivers them to the family. Also, I forgot to set my "out of office" setting on my email and some of my regulars will think I'm ignoring them if I don't answer promptly (I'm off Monday too). Year end is fast approaching and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Year end is a big deal in our business, so everything HAS to be wrapped up on or before Dec 31. There are Tax ramifications if this does not happen, money ramifications, my LIFE ramifications!! So since I'm also off from 12/24 through 1/5/2008 I'm a little stressed out about it.

OK, here I go. My list of to do's:

1. Get up and hit the shower.

2. Go to work, do email/supernova/deliver gifts.

3. Stop by Oh-Po's house and get library book Amazon Thinker borrowed.

4. Go to library to return 2 books and 4 videos.

5. Possibly check out more videos.

6. Get back home before 3pm to greet the boys when they get off the bus.

7. Oops, in the meantime stop and get dishwasher soap and we also need a pencil sharpener.

8. Hopefully speak with Ashton Kucher on the phone as I did not get to speak with him last night - insert *sad face*.

I also promised to help my youngest get set up as a blogger - he is 10. This should be interesting!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

**Giggle Giggle**

Well I heard the call of the wild and I answered. I'm back on line with the cyber dating world. So far so good. I signed up last Friday and had a lunch date Sunday - not bad, eh!

I spoke on the phone with someone new today, and he seems really nice. We have emailed back and forth and now have talked on the phone. I don't want to get too excited, but he sounds nice as well.

OK, I've been down that path in the past. I saw someone online and his profile was good, the pictures were OK, the emails were really good, the phone conversations were great...then the final step, the meeting. Once I was with him in the same room, face to face so to speak, things took a bad turn. He wanted to sit too close to me. He got a call from his son and started ragging on his ex (his son's MOM) to his son - right in front of me! He also gave off a creepy vibe. The kind of vibe that says "I'm building a woman suit in my basement and you look like you could provide the final piece"!! Needless to say I could not get out of there fast enough. Whoa, dodged a bullet!

I had another date not too long ago and that guy was weirder than...well, the weirdest thing you could possibly ever think of. I can appreciate unique, special, different, quirky, one-of-a-kind - but this guy was a wacko! Some of my close friends and family know the story, so I will spare you dear readers the gruesome details!

Whatever, that was in the past. I'm an optimist. Besides, you have to keep trying because your Mr. or Ms. Right is not going to come knocking on your door; unless you want to date the pizza delivery person or the FED EX guy.

Did I mention the guy I talked to today is younger than me? I have to tell you, I think this is very exciting. I have always dated older guys/men. Usually 5-10-15 years older. Now I have my own Ashton Kucher - ooh la la. OK, it's only been one phone call..except, I'm going to call him later too *girly giggle inserted here*. I'm kinda starting to get perma grin *giggle* *giggle*.

I will keep you posted as to how things are going. The lunch date guy; well, I might see him again. He was nice, but he is a super-hyper-worker guy (and 8 years older). Those of you who know me understand I am kind of the opposite of super-hyper-worker. I'm more like mega-lazy-movie/TV-watcher.

There is a third guy who I'm supposed to IM with later AND he's younger too.....*giggle, giggle*....I'm having fun this time around!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What's that I hear?

It’s like the call of the wild; or maybe the siren song of the sea. I’m getting that urge again; like a ex-smoker getting a whiff of someone lighting up. It’s the inexplicable pull of the cyber dating world wondering where I’ve been. I know they miss me! I know they care and have been waiting patiently for my return.

I’m positive Mr. Cyber Right has just posted his profile and is waiting for me to come and find him – after all we have so much in common! He is tall like me, down to earth and shares my love of all things animated. He appreciates my quirky sense of humor, he thinks my lack of social skills is just adorable and like me he would rather lay around all weekend watching movies than cleaning house or ugg – paying bills! He is clever and has a quick wit, I can’t help but crack up when he tells me a joke or silly story.

Unlike me he is a recent lottery mega ball winner and now lives a down-to-earth-but-willing-to-splurge-on-important-things-like-the-woman-he-knows-is-out-there-waiting-to-be-found-or-book-but-not-necessarily-in-that-order-yet-maintaining-a-responsible-everything-paid-on-time-and-putting-some-away-for-the-future lifestyle. Phew, that was a mouthful!

Other things we have in common; an inordinate amount of useless trivia stuffed in our noggins, comfortable clothing older than our children, an affinity for museums and book stores, and the irrepressible urge to find that person who could claim the role of “better half”. We roll our eyes at the term “soul mate”, we understand that we can be alone, we even enjoy our personal space and me time, we don’t need someone to make us complete. However, we long to be able to look at the other end of the couch during the really funny/scary/sad part of the movie and see the look on someone’s face that mirrors our own!

It’s more fun to visit a museum or book store and be able to have someone’s hand to hold, someone to discuss the work of art or magazine article or even share whispered assessments on the weird looking lady in the funky hat.

Most importantly, we’ll have that spark; that chemistry connection that tells us HEY, This is someone special! That feeling like butterflies in the stomach, the stupid perma-grin plastered on your face all day because you are thinking of them, that feeling that you though you were never going to feel again.

Alright, I’ve convinced myself! Back to the cyber drawing board. Just wait for me sweetie and quit looking at that blonde girls profile – she is NOT the one for you! You’ll know Ms. Cyber-Right when you see her; she’s the tall one with the short red hair and dorky grin on her face!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Surprise, I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth; it just seems that way!

The holidays are upon us. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner - 12 people, all family. I really enjoyed having everyone over. My youngest helped me get things ready. I was up at 6 and got the bird, nicknamed Big Delicious, prepped, stuffed and put in the oven. After that my blurry eyed youngest son came into the kitchen proclaiming "something smells great"! Awww, he is such a sweetie (his brother helped by sleeping in and giving us bonding time - LOL). He helped me peel potatoes and make the deviled eggs. He LOVES deviled eggs. While I mixed the filling he arranged the whites on a plate. After filling all the whites we had leftover filling, he tipped his head back, opened his mouth like a baby bird and I squeezed the remainder of the filling right into his open maw - he loved it!

Big Delicious came out brown and lovely! He really lived up to his name. YUMMY. We had all the traditional fare supplied by all of us, thank goodness I didn't have to make all this stuff (I just got to eat all of it)! Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters with gravy, corn, squash, coleslaw, rosa maria salad (fruit salad), dinner rolls, plus all the pre-dinner snacks! Cheese ball with pretzel crackers, crab dip, deviled eggs, and relish tray. Then the wonderfully sweet endings - pumpkin torte, cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, cheesecake, haystacks (my all time favorite) and a chocolate/caramel pie. I ate till I was as stuffed as the turkey!

We ate, played games, drew our Secret Santa names and watched football. The Detroit Lions have been dubbed "Un-motivatable" by our family. They are truly sad!!
My sister and I went shopping on Friday; but not with the real crazies who were out there at 5 am or earlier. We headed out around 9am, but got a few items purchased and a couple of deals. I also got all my Christmas decorations put up Saturday. The tree is decorated, the mantel is all decked out and my Christmas Village is beautifully displayed! I will have to get the pictures posted on here; that is my favorite thing I put out each year! I even have presents wrapped and under the tree - I am truly deranged - hahahahahahah! Not bad for a four day weekend!

Needless to say I am really tired tonight after going back to work today and driving on the super slippery roads back home this evening - we got about 4 inches of snow last night. I am getting ready for bed and am ready to snuggle under my wonderful 300 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets (I love these sheets) and go to sleep.
On an unrelated note: One of my cats Shere Khan had a badly swollen nose and it got me so worried I spent $100 hard earned Christmas dollars at the vet to get steroids and antibiotics plus a heart stopping warning from the vet tech hoping this wasn't "one of those weird cancer tumors" - sheesh, thanks a lot lady, way to keep the owner calm. My boys thought it was very funny that the cat was on steroids. "He'll really be able to claw things up now" they giggled. I'm glad to report his nose is back to normal and he isn't sneezing half as much.

Oh yeah - I also fixed my garbage disposal on Thanksgiving day!! Thanks to my sister for the wonderful book "You Can Do It" a woman's guide to home repair. You should have seen us high fiving each other in the kitchen - it was AWESOME!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard!

I would like to plug a television program that I think is one of the funniest things on the air right now. OK, I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I make a point to try and watch this show because it is just too funny to miss. “The Big Bang Theory”; in my neck of the woods it is on CBS (I think) on Mondays at 8pm. I watched it last night and the pictures I’m including are in reference to the show. They were trying to make a decision and one of them suggested: Rock, Paper and Scissors. The nerdiest of the group of nerds suggests Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard and goes on to explain how each correlates to the other; ok, it was much funnier last night than it sounds right now – TRUST ME! I’ll also plug “Two and a Half Men” because I also think that show is hilarious.

I watched a little TV and then read for the remainder of the evening. I’m reading “Vamped” by David Sosnowski. It is a modern vampire tale that takes place in Michigan (sort of). The author is a Michigan native and I must say very talented! I am loving this book; it really has a quirky take on the whole immortal view of life and poses some interesting questions.
Our un-official book club starts tonight. We're reading Silas Marner and we have to read the first three chapters (oops, five chapters!). My nephew has to read it for school and since our family is relatively book crazy, we’re showing our support by reading alongside him. “We” includes me, my sister, my niece and sister-in-law. Yes, we are basically doing his homework! Hey, he is the baby of four children, and the last one at home now that the others are either married/in the army/at college, so what do you expect! He better get an A+ on this project, which is all I have to say.

Until next time..Live Long and Prosper!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Down time...

Another Sunday...

My boys are wrestling out in the living room and I'm watching a movie; The Devil Wears Prada and trying to come up with something to blog about. I'm heading over to my friend Jay's house later for dinner and a massage. I have some great friends. I could really use some pampering right now, I've been having some boo hoo moments lately. I know everyone gets down-in-the-dumps so I'm no different. Usually I can un-dump myself with the mantra I'm-thankful, I'm-thankful - but sometimes dinner and a massage is in order! Yeah!!

Still no snow here, although it was trying awfully hard yesterday. It was raining "thickly". Fat, wet, semi-snow drops. I know it will be here soon,and glutton that I am, I'm looking forward to it. I love the first really pretty snowfall. The snow covers everything; clinging to the bare tree branches, covering the ground and blanketing everything else in a beautiful white cape! And then I have to shovel it and the love is lost until maybe next year!

Well, I've got to run because the washer and dryer are calling - being the domestic goddess that I am, I live for laundry! I have a few moments remaining with my movie and kitty snuggling, then I'm upgrading to son snuggling and food prep..I'm starving!'s snowing outside!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Different interests...

I don’t get some people…

I’ve been very excited about my new hobby – blogging. When I try to talk to people about it I get a variety of responses:

“Isn’t that like writing a diary that everybody can read? That’s kinda creepy, I wouldn’t want anyone knowing personal stuff about me” accompanied with a startled look and secretly wondering what kind of stuck-up person am I that I want everyone to know so much about me (ok, maybe I’m reading into the look)

“Wow, you really have a lot of time on your hands” accompanied with a slight sneer and air of superiority that she is soooo busy she has no time to do something so frivolous. (I am NOT reading into that look, I work with this woman, she looks at everyone this way!)

“Sounds boring” accompanied with a blank stare (bored people are boring!)

“Hey, that’s kinda cool, I wish I could do something like that, but I wouldn’t know what to write about” accompanied with a look I see reflected on the other side of any mirror I’m looking into – INTEREST!

I like these types of people; the ones who show interest and are looking to learn something new or try something different. These folks I could chat with for quite some time and tell them “YES, you too can BLOG and share whatever interest or stories you have inside you begging to get out”. Our blogs don’t have to be anything awe-inspiring or academically astounding; you can write about you, your life, anything you want – it’s all good.

These are the same people we all have to deal with on a regular basis. That is what makes life wonderful, albeit frustrating. I’m glad I found this new hobby. I’m happy to write about my life and let everyone who wants to, take a peek! I don’t have any more time on my hands than any other person; I just choose to use my time differently – not so much TV, a little more computer and being creative. It doesn’t make me any better than anyone else, but it might make me a little happier!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ramble, ramble, ramble...

On Halloween it was 70 degrees and beautiful. Last week I was able to sit outside at the pic-nic table to enjoy my lunch and appreciate Indian summer. Today there were warnings about iced overpasses and a fine dusting of snow on the cars, lawns and roofs.

My mother is what we call a snowbird. She lives 1/2 the year in Michigan and 1/2 the year in Florida. She called my brother today and was complaining that it just felt weird to go into the stores in Florida; they have their Christmas decorations up and the holiday music is playing overhead, but it just doesn't feel like Christmas. I just can't feel sorry for her; it's less than 32 degrees here and 80+ degrees there. We have to scrape our windows here, she has to crack hers there so the car won't overheat. I'm layered with sweats, t-shirt, hoodie (with the hood up!), and I'm sitting under a blanket and she is layered with t-shirt and sun-screen. She also informed my brother, sister and I that she doesn't want to "DO CHRISTMAS" this year, yet she can't figure out why it doens't feel like Christmas there...hmmm, it's a mystery to me.

I get to do Thanksgiving this year. YEAH! In two (almost three) weeks everyone will congregate at my house for some good old fashioned over-eating! WOO HOO!! My sister and her husband plus my nephew (their last kid at home), my brother and his wife, my married nephew and his wife, my niece; home from college, plus my two boys. I love the time when all the family gets together; food, fun, laughter! We play games and yell louder and louder - I love it! I even took the day after Thanksgiving off work. I am finally going to go to one of those CRAZY day-after Thanksgiving early store opening shopping extravaganzas with my sister and anyone else crazy enough to go with us. The only thing missing is my nephew who is currently in Fort Knox, KY going through basic training for the Army. We will all miss him, the over-eating will not be the same without skinny D!

I had some kind of idea that this was all going to come together somehow..something about the changing seasons and how much you can appreciate it in Michigan. I've gotten off track a bit.

It's getting colder, winter is upon us. I am going to focus on Thanksgiving for now and remember to be thankful for my frustrating, silly, loud, loving, aggravating, wonderful family - near and far!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Sunday

Wow, another Sunday here, time flies when you're having fun...or not.

I'm hoping today I might tempt my brother to go with me to the DIA - Detroit Institute of Arts. I need to get out of the house and they have a cool exhibit going on right now. I really like museums, esp art museums. One of my favorites is the Salvador Dali museum in St Petersburg, FL. Do any of you know who Salvador Dali is....hmmm? OK, he's the artist who did the work with the melting clocks. I'll have to try and snag something off the net to show you. I really like his stuff - kind of demented, but very cool non the less!

I like the fact that my boys have developed a love of art as well. Probably just trying to make me feel better, but I'm always impressed when they can identify different artists or works of art; Dali, Van Gogh, MC Esher. I think it is very cool! I still haven't taken them to the DIA, but we have gone more than once to the FIA - Flint Institute of Arts. It's tough when you are on a very, very tight budget to do all the things you want to do with your kids.

Alright, I'm gonna jet; gotta check the net to see the museum hours, call my brother and try to do something with this really bad bed-head hair I've got going on!

Later Art Lovers!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day..

It's Election Day.

Yes, I voted. No, I won't tell you for who. I have a HUGE privacy issue when it comes to politics, my purse and my mail. DON'T open my mail, DON'T get into my purse and DON'T ask me who I'm voting for. I'm weird that way.

Back to Election day. I will admit, I have not been a very active voter in the past. I have only voted once in my life as a matter of fact. BUT, I feel a little differently this year. I just can't not vote anymore. It may sound corny, but I think of what a privilege I have; being able to vote. My opinion counts, my vote counts to me!

My kids were surprised when I told them that if you don't like the choices on the ballot you can write in someone else. I used Donald Duck as an example and my son wanted to know what would happen if he talked to all his friends and got everyone to vote for Donald Duck and Donald won! I told him HE should be in politics if he had that many friends and could get that many votes! He's 10.

A woman I work with sent an e-mail around that was a link to your precinct, candidates, issues and such. I was able to find out everything I wanted to know about the different candidates and issues. They even had a tutorial on how to use the specific voting machine used at my polling station! Pretty cool. So whether it counts or not I voted today and it felt pretty good.

Actually it felt great!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Sundays must be for reflection..

It's Sunday and the boys and I are lounging around on my bed. I'm surfing the net, checking my email, basically being lazy. They are playing Pictochat, a new DS game they bought yesterday - this is a game I could really learn to like. It's my artistic side begging to come out and play!

As I was going through my emails, I had one from someone I was dating earlier in the year. I have been divorced almost 6 years and have dated a bit. In the past year or so, I've been a little more active with the on-line dating services. On-line dating makes sense to me as someone who works full time, has kids, and doesn't go "out on the town" a whole lot.

I think my friends/family setting me up would probably work out best, but I either have a shortage of friends or they have a shortage of available men in my age/interest group! Internet dating is not for sissies. I've heard all the "Oh, my friends-sisters-cousin met her husband that way" - I'm beginning to think this is urban legend! When I turn on the TV I'm bombarded with eHarmony, Match, Chemistry all touting their perfect-match-made-in-heaven hookups. I'm very doubtful! I personally have been on: Yahoo personals, Match, eHarmony and Chemistry - I've looked at Plenty-of-Fish and have also met people from and! I have met a lot on nice people, and a couple of really odd people, but have yet to find "the one".

Going back to that email I mentioned earlier. This was someone I met through We "sparked" right away and jumped into a relationship way too soon. I'm notorious for moving too fast, in and out of interests/relationships. I'm sure I've left more than one person scratching their head thinking, "Hmm, I thought we were really going somewhere". I'm also notorious for over thinking just about everything!

I dated this person for about 3 months, but in the end we just were not compatible...although I don't think he feels this way. I have never had a guy be so persistent. He will send the occasional email and even called me at work the other day. Each time I start thinking, reflecting on why this one didn't work out. I'll remember all the good times (we had several) and then remind myself of the bad times (we had more of those) and the reflection process goes on and on.

I know I made the right decision. I will continue to look for someone who I feel compatible with, I think that is human nature. I do want someone I can spend time with, someone special; more than just a friend. On-line seems to be the way to go, but I'll keep my eyes open at the grocery store, library, museum..all my typical or favorite hang-outs! I'll also keep reminding my friends that I am single and if they think of someone they know I would click with, feel free to introduce us. It never hurts to meet someone new, make a new friend.

After all, a couple of my best friends are guys I use to date!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Family Matters

Halloween is finished for another year..wah!

I really like Halloween..really, really. Each year for my birthday my boys get me another piece for my growing Halloween village set! Eventually I hope to have a HUGE display.

We decorate the yard and inside the house too. I would love to do a haunted garage next year for the trick-or-treaters, my boys are almost done with the door-to-door begging, so I may get my wish soon.

Last night my oldest and his buddies went out to mostly just goof around. They are good boys who are going through that transition of too old to trick-or-treat and too young to go to parties. My oldest and his best friend went as Barak Obama and John McCain wearing boxing gloves - too funny! They were a big hit.

My youngest was wearing the hangdog look because he is 10 and I wouldn't let him go with his brother and the older boys. I went with him door-to-door, which I haven't gotten to do for over 6 years! Normally his dad takes them, but dad went hunting in Canada, so I lucked out!

Last night was BEAUTIFUL - warm temps and no winds. My little guy's costume consisted of a big red magnet with the silver ends hung around his neck, there were little yellow chicks glued to the end..a chick magnet!! Some people got it right away, others had to ask "What are you anyway?" and as soon as he said "Chick Magnet" they just howled with laughter. The men all asked if they could borrow it after Halloween!! One older couple just didn't get it.."Oh how cute, a Chicken Magnet" said the little old lady with a puzzled expression on her face. My son whispered to me as we were leaving "Mom, old people just don't get it".

I left a bucket of candy (the lame stuff) on the porch with a note saying "Please, take one or two but leave some for the others" yeah right! At least it was all gone and no one egged the front door or TP'd the trees.

When the boys got back to the house the candy was spread all over the floor, grouped into favorites piles and the trading commenced. They were like Arab traders in the market place... "I'll give you a Butterfinger for a Kit Kat"
"No way dude, I'll give you two Twizzlers for that Butterfinger"
"Hey man, where did you get chips! I didn't get chips, did you guys get chips?"
"Nah, we missed the chip house. That's lame, I like chips"
"Duuuudes, I got paly-doh!!"
"Yeah, me too - I got red"
"I got yellow"
"Mines green"
"Mooooommmmm, how come I didn't get Play-Doh"?
We must have missed that house..oops.
"Dudes, I'll trade you whatever for your Play-Doh"!
"OK, gimmie a Crunch and two pieces of gum"
"You can have mine for a Reeces and some of that Laffy Taffy"
"Cool - I got all the Play-Doh"!
My son then proceeds to take out the green, roll it into a rope with a ball on the end and stick it up his nose.
"Dudes, check it out - Uuuhhhh, do I have something in my nose"..
They all fall onto the floor laughing their heads off, high on sugar and the freedom of an un-supervised Halloween! I just roll my eyes and tell him I hope he washes that before he puts it back into the container! This started when they were two and will never end; the farts, boogers, burps - the joy of boys!!

They finish trading and gather up their loot. I drive one home and the other two I drop off at D's house; his poor Mom can deal with two hopped-up sugar heads. She'll usher them to the basement and the Xbox, they'll stay up till 3am or later and sleep till noon. Teenagers in training.

My little guy and I climb into my bed (it's a pre-req when his brother stays at D's house) and watch House till we fall asleep. Just before he drops off he says "Mom, I'm so glad we got to go trick-or-treating together, I had a lot of fun". Awwww, my little man is sooo sweet.

Another successful Halloween. I got eveyone's Whoppers; seems like no one except me likes malted milk balls - YIPPIE!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do I always look this bad??

OK, so my eyes are still messed up.....wah!

I woke up this morning and they were almost swollen shut! I had a dentist appointment so I was going into work a little late. I couldn't wear eye shadow - my lids were too puffed to even think about it, not to mention ITCHY! I did apply a little mascara cause I felt almost naked leaving the house without eye attire!

After settling into the dentist chair and knowing she was going to be staring me in the face cleaning the choppers I told her about my eyes. I thought I was doing her a favor so that my puffed peepers wouldn't alarm her. "Oh" she says, looking me in the eyes, "I couldn't really tell, hmm, I guess the right one is a little red". WTHecks? A little red?? Jeeze, they are practically swollen shut, the lids are BLOOD RED and should be twitching they are so itchy! Can't she see that? What is she, BLIND?! Harrumph.

I got to work about and hour and a half late and proceeded to tell my sad, sad tale; Yes, avert your eyes, I am the swollen-eyed, itchy-lid woman, look away - look away. Just like the girl at the dentist they look at my face, even squinting to get a reeeeally good look. "Hmm" they say, "yeah, I can see a little puffiness". WTHecks, again! Is everyone around here blind or something? I AM HIDEOUS! Then suddenly it hits me. Holy Crap, according to everyone I must look like this every day!!

Obviously I've overreacted! Even with swollen and itchy eyes I am still the stunning Red Headed Goddess that I am every other day of the week. I am a strong and invincible woman who even though she is going through obvious pain and discomfort is able to pull it all off with out even showing any sign of weakness. Ahh, it's good to be me!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm feeling a little under the weather tonight. I wore brand new eye shadow today - just opened the case, but it is a brand I've used before. On my way home my eye lids were feeling a little itchy. Oh yeah, buy the time I was able to get all the way home and wash my face it looked like I had gone too many rounds in the boxing ring and my trainer forgot to throw in the towel! I have fat, swolen, red, itchy eyelids. I'M SOOO PRETTY!

I also got an email tonight from the guy I met for dinner for the first time Friday saying he didn't think I was the right fit for him, but we could still talk and be friends. This guy has been married and divorced THREE TIMES and I'm not right for him - holy crap, just how wrong am I??

The Friday date was after the Thursday date that ended soooo badly I was afraid I wouldn't make it out with my skin attached to my skelleton! That guy was so creepy and said the utmost inappropriate things I though my jaw would drop through the floor and I would turn to stone just from hearing the words he uttered! Eeeewwwwwwww!

The eye thing is kinda like the icing on the cake - a really nasty, unpalatable, unbelieveably bad, bad, cake. That's been my week...ok, the end of last week and begining of this week - my extendo-week, so far. I am so glad I have Friday off.

On the upside - the market closed up over +900, I have the best boys this side of anywhere, I'm healthy and because neither of those dates turned out well I gues that means my Mr. Right is still waiting for me to catch..oops, I mean MEET him!

Tomorrow, tomorrow..I'll see ya,'s only a day awwwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!